Final Reflection
What have I learned: Over the past seven weeks, I feel I have developed an understanding of how conceptions of curriculum, educational philosophy, and curriculum design play a vital role in a teacher’s decision-making process. I felt my greatest areas of growth came from the course readings and working collaboratively to design a mind-map. I found the readings in this course to be incredibly rich with content and by creating a mind map it helped me to make meaningful connections between the different concepts. Through the process, I was able to deepen my understanding of how the philosophy of education and conceptions of curriculum impact and are related to curriculum design. Ornstein and Hunkins (2013) explain, “Curriculum results from social activity. It is designed for both present and emerging purposes. Curriculum is a dynamic field” (p.1). I feel that this course has provided me with more tools and lenses to be able to evaluate and analyze the dynamic field of curriculum. ...