Module 3: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment Approaches in Different Curricular Designs
This week, Ashley Pagan and continued our collaborative work to examine how the different curriculum designs impact planning, instruction and assessment approaches at the classroom level. Ashley and I decided to continue to expand our Popplet for this module. One thing that we were conscious of as we expanded the Popplet was working carefully to organize our content so that it did not become visually distracting. To accomplish this goal, we took a lot of time adding more connections to the Popplett and reorganizing the bubbles so that they showed a clear connection from conceptions of curriculum, philosophical foundations, curriculum designs and then to planning, instruction, and assessment. Through our review of the research, we found there was a number of connections and quotes that we wanted to include. However, we worried that if we continued to expand out Popplet that it would become difficult to see the connections. For this reason, Ashley proposed that we create a chart in addi...